The use of composite materials offers unique opportunities for the production of specialty aeronautical products. These include excellent weight to-strength ratios, resilience to extreme working conditions, fatigue resistance and the ability to produce complex and intricate components.


Wet lay-up
A resin is sprayed or poured into a mold, the reinforcement fabric is then wet out with resin and placed in the mold. Additional resin and fabrics may be applied as needed.

Pre-preg is a term for 'pre-impregnated' composite fibres which are usually weave or uni-directional. These materials already contain an amount of the resin used to bond them. The pre-pregs have to be stored in cool conditions to avoid premature curing.

Resin Infusion
Resin infusion is a specialized advanced laminating technique that greatly improves the quality and strength of composite material parts versus conventional hand lay-up techniques. Applying laminate engineering and resin infusion technology simultaneously allows the optimization of a part in terms of strength and weight. With resin infusion numerous benefits and significant strength gains are intrinsic due to the method of consolidating the materials within a vacuum, all at once.

Engineering Simulation
Finite elements analysis allows in-depth analysis of parts and components before they have been produced in order to come with the best possible material selection and production techniques.

Pre-Production and Tooling
Advanced machinery and know-how allows MLR to prepare all tooling and molds in-house, whereby offering its clients full scale support and service and prompt time-to-market response.
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